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Transvestites Australia | Find Local Couples For Adult Fun

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The Place To SEE Transvestites in Australia...

and of course not forgetting all those sexy Aussie Trans admirers...

Transvestites Australia | Find Local Couples For Adult Fun

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Photo Personals Trans contacts with unlimited space to upload as many as you want
Want to post videos onto your personals advert? not a problem, so long as the video is yours
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Want to post photos but not sure?  ..

So you are looking at joining a Trans photo personals website and not sure either what type of photos to post or indeed if you should be posting any photos at all.. First the best advice I can offer is YES you must post photos into your profile, without photos will get little interest.


It’s a fact when people view photo personals dating sites they want to see “surprise” photos and if your personals advert doesn’t have any then people will assume you are not serious about meeting up of its just a time-wasting profile so will get ignored.


The easiest way of looking at this is when you logged onto this page what was the first thing you looked at? Other than the hot babe in the top, next was the small member photos above, why? Because you wanted to see just what was on offer.


Advice 101 Photo Personals NEED photos ..

If you are worried about posting up images showing your face, then crop it out, or do what others do which is to put a graphic over the top like a flower or something. Most phones these days will offer basic editing and with a little time you can workout a decent profile photo, with your face covered.


The next question mist people ask, SEX photos or NOT? OK lets address the obvious this is a sex contacts website, people join to make local sex contacts with either Trans or admirers, so if you want to post a photo up showing your naked body its fine, you just need to make sure you also post a non nude image for your main profile image.


The only rules regarding the photos is the image must be of yours and not some images you’ve taken from a porn site. You may well like the content of the porn photo but images in photo personals need to be yours ..


Marketing Photos / Private images

The small thumbnail images you see above are current members and once you join you could search out and send a message any member photo you see above. If you are worried that your photos couple be posted here, and you don’t want it, all you need do is tick the box “ don’t use media for marketing” then your photos will only be seen in the members section

The aim of Transvestites Australia is is to help others meet up local Australian Transgenders and admirers. Profiles on this site are the types of personals you can expect to see inside the members section.  Join us and meet up with confidence. © Transvestites Australia is powered by Vodfun Ltd

Transvestites Australia | Find Local Couples For Adult Fun